Together, We Are Unstoppable. Sign up to volunteer, join our team, and help us win! Your physical presence and willingness to work on any part of our campaign may be the ticket to helping us win.
by Crmeredith
Together, We Are Unstoppable. Sign up to volunteer, join our team, and help us win! Your physical presence and willingness to work on any part of our campaign may be the ticket to helping us win.
My years of volunteerism and commitment to our growing community has enforced my dedication to make safer streets, to build a better city a more sustainable community, to engage with our neighbors and support our growing local business. With the passion to protect and preserve our natural scenery, our history and our future.
My mother always told me to go out into the world and do well, but more importantly, do good. Since being a little girl, I have made this my mission. I know that I have a duty to my fellow citizens, and I measure the value of my life on the good I can do and influence.