Upcoming Events

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20th annual Pinocchio’s Moms on the Run

Foster Field Reno High School Foster Field Reno High School 395 Booth St, Reno,

Mark your calendars! For the 20th annual Pinocchio's Moms on the Run event, May 10th and join our 5k run/walk team: BRITTON'S BATTLE BORN FIGHTERS. Help us raise local funds that provide support for everyday living expenses including (but not limited to) mortgages, rent, food, utilities, car expenses, insurance, and more, that help offset medical expenses and alleviate financial stress of Northern Nevada women diagnosed with breast or gynecological cancer.

Volunteer Registration and Sign Pickup Party

Eclipse Pizza Company 3950 Mayberry Dr, Reno

Together, We Are Unstoppable. Sign up to volunteer, join our team, and help us win! Your physical presence and willingness to work on any part of our campaign may be the ticket to helping us win.

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